Thursday, April 13, 2006


Like a slender fern…
She floats in a bemused languor…
Thoughts stroll through the inroads of her mind…

Words strewn around like petals in spring…
And tawny leaves dotting the earth in autumn…
Mould into astute sentences…

Articulating into speech…
Her cherubic mouth does part…
Trickles the words now ordered…
That erstwhile speckled the terrain of her mind…

Engaging and enlightening…
New theories. Novel philosophies….
Sense and sensibility… wit and vivacity…

And in a semi-stunned state…
The stuttering spectators…
Stare at the seraphic form…

Who smiles in silent satisfaction…
And pities the stunted minds…
Of the technical tots and the numerical noughts…
Deprived of the seasons of words…
That to these mulish mortals cannot be taught

And like a slender fern…
She floats in an amused languor…
Laughter sprints through the inroads of her mind…
Estella has dawned into the night.

*Dedicated to my closest friend…my greatest support...and the most beautiful bright-head that I have ever met*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is superbly touching. and im flattered. i wish half of what you've sed here was true. lol. but sum lines in particular give such a precise description of how frustrating my present can be sometimes. well written. more later. thank you schizo.