Saturday, April 02, 2011

Molten Sunset

The weather is deceptive today. It gets warm, a little dust storm comes from nowhere. Then the weather suddenly cools down. Now it is breezy, beautiful and not a time for indoor activities. It is the final match of the world cup. I don’t care too much about cricket. I just like watching the last few overs of the second innings. So I will go for a swim.

The water isn’t warm but it isn’t cold. At sun down, getting into the pool feels like dipping yourself in molten sunshine. It’s somewhere in the middle – the transient transition, the few minutes that just passes by, the shortest part of the day, when the yellow and ochre meets the blue and invites the indigo sky to take over for the night. It is a time for a peaceful exchange between the busy day time and the sleep inducing hour. That is the time I love to go for a swim, when everything is changing and the shimmering droplets of water turns into dark glittering globules and I can stay in and watch the day retire into the night.

And while I am swimming and have drowned the noise of the world and my mundane daily life thoughts in the water, I stay suspended in a state of alternative introspection. That is my favourite part of the day. That is the most beautiful. In a pool, around strangers with whom I don’t have to make conversation, in a completely public space, I find my most private moments and I find my peace.

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