Tuesday, March 18, 2008

To pee or not to pee

I am sitting at my desk at work. Colleague turns around to me.

C: Let’s go
Me: hmm…okay
C: Take your swipe card
Me: Ok let’s go

Or, picture this:

2 ladies at a club
Lady 1: I am going to the loo
L 2: wait, I am coming too
Chorus: excuse us boys

This happened to me once:

Me, sitting for dinner with a “couple” of friends
Friend 1’s hoity-toity girlfriend: I need to go to the restroom
Me – struggling to eat the insides of a crab
Friend 1’s girlfriend: Ahem! (Gives me a dirty look)
Me: (as if almost snapping to realization) Oh…ok, lets go.

I have never really been a fan of going “together together” to the loo – a phenomenon universally prevalent amongst those of my gender and much speculated amongst those not of my gender. “So what’s the big deal about going to the loo in pairs?”, asked a very close ‘not-my-gender’ friend of mine… “What’s the big deal about wanting to know it?” I immediately retorted. It’s not like it’s a whole secret life we live in that tiny close space - but its fun to keep the curiosity alive.

What does one do in pairs in the loo? Surely we don’t discuss the shades of pee. Surely we don’t discuss the do’s and don’ts of a Brazilian wax. But it’s just a thing – to go together to the loo – a funny habit that I find myself mostly falling in. I personally believe that these trips facilitate female camaraderie.

In office I end up smiling at random women who I would never know otherwise. In restaurants, I end up discovering at least one likeable thing about my friend’s hoity-toity girlfriend. In college, I know I can burst into tears and not be stared at funnily. In sex and the city, discussions on size, tampons, orgasms come easy there. Maybe that’s why I had a problem with Ally McBeal – it had a common loo – and somewhere I felt the female bonding went missing there. One also discusses their men, her men, our men, men in general in there. Skin issues, sharing perfume, make up tips, bitching about bosses come next in line. But mostly, it’s a space where one’s guard is down– and every woman loves the other – it’s like a modern day Lesbos.


Nimpipi said...

"It’s not like it’s a whole secret life we live in that tiny close space - but its fun to keep the curiosity alive. "


know juuust whatchu mean; silly female bonding, compliments exchanged, small talk made looking in the mirror, conversations eavesdropped on -- office loos esp.
nice post, love.

Divya said...

EXCELLENT,have faced these situations of "to go with her or not to go"...bt with those glares i end up going neways..but yea the couple of minutes shared there are "all worth it"...

n it goes without saying that this is a very well written post by eeessshheeee....mmmwah!!

Spilled said...

Ishu, my love!

I can't remember if you and I have made any trips together? Its a task going to the loo!

It is a very well written post. Funny but so true.

You please keep reminding me to read your blog, it is always a great read.

Muahs and hugs,

Sirk Tumhari,

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaa!! Aye aye!

Scarlet said...

Nimpipi: i like the small talk made looking in the mirror-that way one doesnt have to keep glancing at the mirror every once in a while and get totally distracted and dazzled by ones own booty! heh ! :D

Deevyah: to go with her or not to gp - is that even a question? :)

Pinkurella: we have made trips to the loo...though the LSR loos werent very talkworthy... yet,we did glance,strut our stuff,refreshed the kajals before heading to M block.all in the name of vanity.oh i miss i miss!!

Ashesh said...

For women, going to the loo together or not, is more like the question 'to be or not to be'.
Lol. No wonder we're never going to understand you all.