Thursday, July 31, 2008

To Phases and Sales and Steam Baths!

A long inexplicable gap has happened in my excursion of nonsensical, inconsequential writing. Meanwhile many things have happened in the life of the not-so-rich and the not-so-ordinary me. I have got engaged. This post announces it formally to my world and the world beyond.

Yes yes the big BIG step has been taken, the promises exchanged and we are halfway there – there where I thought I would never reach – the land of non-singledom and the island of serious commitment. (which by the way does not imply that I will not have my girls nights out and my drinking sessions, so please to be inviting me over as regularly as you always did!). The boy is a family friend’s son and to cut a long story short, it’s been a good journey so far and this has sorted my head the way I never expected it to. (Oh and yes, the mystery behind me staying back in Mumbai and not making that Delhi change is now a mystery no more)…! So with that in order, and the virtual announcement over with, let’s get on to the other exciting things that have happened around me!

Everything went on sale…and I mean everything! Suddenly I transformed from the serious office going woman to a shop hopper getting fantastic deals and burning my bank balance away. With Nike and Reebok also being on sale (apart from that many lovely prêt lines) made me finally join a gym again – and seriously at this time and one that thankfully stays open till late night – its been 15 glorious days and I have gone every single day. But I do think that the steam room is the real motivation behind it all – where I bask in for 15 minutes almost daily and come out feeling like a momo!

It’s a good phase – happy things have been happening around me. Two very dear friends of mine have had some pretty good changes in their lives too. While one has taken a solid friendship of many years and finally turned it into a relationship, another very close friend has found her passion for the subject she will now indulge into with a huge hearty dive! The now-turned-girlfriend is all cheery and happy and I lurve hearing her that way – and her skin is glowing and her voice has that ring to it and I couldn’t be happier or approve more! The other academically inclined one is going to get into heavy time reading and research and interpretations and is actually going to enjoy it and I am already looking forward to hearing all about it and wishing I were there too! My life is all hunky-dory except a little crap and tension at work – but when have I ever taken my work seriously, I ask thee… as long as I get to wear what I like, take my random breaks, listen to music and get paid for some creative input that suddenly struck me one evening, I am fine and dandy!

Monsoon is playing hide and seek with the city these days. One day it decides to drench the suburbs and lets the town go to work only to come back feeling silly about going anyway! Another day it is so hot in the morning that one could die and by afternoon, when the team finally decides to go for the sea-food lunch, its raining so much that the water is upto our knees and we are hoping to wade our way back to office. Also, the wind, the damn wind has done something strange to my retro pink flowery umbrella and now when I try to open it, sometimes it just jumps out of my hand like a ninja with a life of its own and goes and hits the person standing in front! I am fed up… so fed up with this rainy madness that I can’t wait for the non-wintery winter to arrive in this sauna-like-city! Wake me up when September comes?

Now my stomach is growling and I suddenly remember that I have forgotten to have dinner. Woe is me! So I am going to go poke my head in the fridge for some hot milk and you may please continue with the comments.

*Silent prayer sent up so that the phase continues* - To happiness and joy and many more such phases!


Miss P said...

"So I am going to go poke my head in the fridge for some hot milk" -- little bit odd no?

and you mentioned me in post. i am made happy. so much lowe.

im sorry ive been absconding of late. but suddenly tehres so much happening, and im sooo busy all the time. forgive me. lowe you lots.

Perakath said...

Well congratulations!

Nimpipi said...

loudly laughing at : "let’s get on to the other exciting things that have happened around me! Everything went on sale…"

hahahaahaha... :D

and I'm happy for the people you're happy for as well. =)
mostly happy for you though. Stay the course, child. *affection*

Nimpipi said...

i like the title of this post.

Scarlet said...

Miss P: yes yes that is rather odd and now that you have commented on it I can’t even go back and edit it out. Dammit! But on second thoughts it could mean the just-boiled milk was fished out of the fridge! Uhun?

Perakath: well… Thank you!

Nimpipi: But I’m telling you Nimps, this sale thing has been such a phenomenon that I get tensed when I feel like I’m missing out on a good bargain! Thank god it’s getting over now. I don’t like being Miss-Fluffy-Tick-Tock… But have definitely graduated from the carefully ratty to the carelessly chic! Heh!

Mister Crowley said...

*pom pom pom* Another One Bites The Dust.....hehe.....many congratulations :)

Ashesh said...

Perfect. Just perfect! I couldn't be happier! Here's my virtual congratulations Ish!